Curatorial Credits

Philadelphia Museum of Art                                                                                                    

Lead Curator, Waiting for Tear Gas (2022)

Curatorial Assistance, Richard Benson: The World is Smarter Than You Are (2021)

Co-curator with Jun Nakamura, Expressions (2021)

Curatorial Assistance, New to the Museum (2019-2020)

Lead Curator, Photography and Memory (2019)

Co-curator with Claire Kobasa, Into the Woods (2019)

Curatorial Assistance, Long Light: Photographs by David Lebe (2019)

Curatorial Assistance, Larry Fink: The Boxing Photographs (2018)

Harvard Art Museums                                                                                                      

Curatorial Assistance, Drawing: The Invention of a Modern Medium (2017)

Curatorial Assistance, A History of Photography (2015)